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Bumbles Room

Welcome to the Bumbles room, my name is Louise and I am the room leader.  I will give you a tour of the room, with the different areas and how our routine works during the day. The sessions in this room are 9am-12pm for a morning session, 12pm-3pm for an afternoon session and 9am-3pm for all day. The age group within this room is from 3 months to 3 years old., we have a ratio of 1 staff member to 3 children under 2 years old, and 1 member of staff to 4 children under 3 years old.


  • The room is set out into areas, the construction area is set out with a variety of toys for the children to explore, including fixing tools, puzzles and toys to fix and piece together. We sometimes use real tools and materials with adult guidance for the children to explore.


  • Our role play area is occasionally themed, dependant on the children’s interests. The area is currently set out as a home kitchen with different items including real resources and toys for the children to play with. We add real food when the children initiate such activities too. Some of the themes we’ve had include doctors, vets and fire station.

  • Lots of the resources are in baskets which are in the floor so they accessible to the children to choose for themselves, the musical instruments are set out this way, within an area in the room that is set also to be appealing to the children.


  • Our cosy area/sleep area is set out for the children when they would like to have some quiet time, look through books. This area is also set out for the under 1 year olds as a safe, cosy area where an adult is always with them for them to play with and explore toys appropriate to their age. We have the sleep cots in this area for children which nap throughout the day.


  • An activity is set up daily on the carpet to encourage the children’s imagination, play and learning. This is always based around the child’s interests, where the children will extend and add to their play. We continue this and add to the activities with adult led ideas as well as the ideas from the children. 

  • We encourage the children to cut the fruit/vegetables that we offer for snacks using safety knives and outlet guidance, the same for pouring their own milk or water from small jugs. There is a washing up station that the children can then wash their cups and bowls. By giving the children these opportunities it helps build on their independence.


  • The room that is used for messy and sensory play is in the kitchen area, this is generally a free flow environment from the main room. We are a very sensory setting, using lots of resources including shaving foam, cream, sand, water, flour for examples. Aprons are provided, not all children will want to wear one so for such activities where sensory and paint are taking place we ask you bring the children into the setting in clothes you don’t mind getting messy and possibly stained from paint play.


  • We ask that you provide a bag with spare clothes, nappies/wipes/cream (if used) and appropriate weather clothing, ie hats and sun cream in the summer and welly boots and coats in the winter.

Beehives Room

Welcome to the Beehives room. The sessions in this room are 9:15am-12:15pm for a morning session, 12:15pm-3:15pm for an afternoon session and 9:15am-3:15pm for all day. The age group within this room is from 3 years old to 5 years. We generally have a ratio of 1 staff member to 6 children.

  • In the room we have an Imagination  area, where we use this area to help the children with their 'understanding of the world' through building things that are familiar around them, block play and small world play, loose parts.

  • We then have a music area, where we provide lots of different musical instruments.

  • We have a nice quiet book area where the children can choose which book they would like to read.  This is also where 'circle time' take place.  During circle time, each member of staff will take it in turns to either read a story to the children, or sing songs with them, as well as encouraging the children to talk about things that interest them.

  • We have our large computer/tablet that the children are able to use with lots of learning games and is adult led.

  • We have our role play area/homecorner.  This will at times be themed for example doctors surgery, and the children love to role play in the Home corner where they do lots of 'cooking'.

  • Our art station, which has lots of different materials for them to be creative with.

  • We are very lucky that we have a large outside area with a lovely big climbing frame.  In the outside area they have access to sand and water.  Cars and scooters are available to them to play with, as well as bats balls and many more exciting games.  


Each child has their own peg within the room, that has their name on it.  This is where your child coat, wellies and spare clothes are kept.  We do go outside in all weather, so please make sure that you supply the appropriate clothing for the time of year e.g hot weather - hat and suncream, cold/wet weather - coat and wellies, and  bring spare clothes in for your child.


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